Dating coach Evan Marc Katz - For Smart Successful Women ...

Do You Have Everything… Except Love?

You’re smart and financially independent but you struggle to meet a quality man who wants to commit. Join me as your dating coach in Love U so you can trust your judgment with men and create a lasting relationship that makes you feel safe, heard, and understood. 

Join me as your dating coach in Love U to discover the secrets to finding lasting love with an attractive, commitment-oriented man who takes care of you and makes you feel safe, heard, and understood.






Love U

dating coach Evan Marc Katz wearing a purple t-shirt smiling

"Blake are now engaged! Thanks for all your help and support in finding myself, and because of that, him."

"I now live the life of my dreams and with the man of my dreams by my side as my husband."

"Right now, I’m on my honeymoon in the Maldives with the man of my dreams, thanks to your work."

"Thanks to you and your help in our coaching sessions, I finally found the man that's perfect for me!"

"Love U is the BEST purchase I’ve ever made!"

"I've recently celebrated my two-year anniversary with my husband"

"I learned that men are not scared by strong and successful women but actually like them."


You’re a catch. Everybody tells you so. Yet you remain frustrated and confused at your inability to find lasting love.

9 women of different race and color

If any of those “maybes” resonate, a dating coach can help – by restoring your confidence and showing you how to trust your ability to choose the right partner.

Let’s get you a man who always puts you first and never lets you down.

THE BEGINNING OF your love story!

happy newly married couple smiling
newly-wed couple with a young bride, and middle-aged groom

You’ve gone to college, put in 50 hours a week at work, and done plenty of self-help. But have you ever talked to an online dating expert and taken a course on how to get lasting love? Welcome to Love U – the world’s most effective coaching program in helping high-achieving women get the passionate, secure relationship you crave.

By watching the dating advice in Love U for 5 minutes a day and joining our weekly dating coaching calls and supportive community, you will develop confidence in your ability to trust your judgment with men. Soon, you’ll have a partner who prioritizes you, takes care of you, and always makes you feel calm and connected.

In Love U, I’ll walk you through the six steps on the Love U Pyramid of Love – Confidence, Meeting Men, Dating, Understanding Men, Relationships, and Commitment – so you can attract high-quality men and choose a man who loves you, for better or for worse, in sickness and in health, ‘til death do you part.

Love U is fun, powerful, and everything you need to get the man of your dreams.


Take this short quiz to discover what you need to do now to find lasting love. Five short questions and you’ll be on a customized fast path to relationship success.
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Gain confidence, let go of toxic dating patterns, assess long-term partner compatibility, and create a healthy, happy relationship with my signature program.
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Get access to my best-selling programs which contain exclusive strategies designed to help you attract high-quality men and create your ideal relationship.
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Check out some of my happy clients from the past 20 years.
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With a rare blend of, wit, wisdom and warmth, the Love U
Podcast teaches you exactly how to get the relationship you
deserve – without settling. Enjoy over 300 Episodes with
new ones each week!


With a rare blend of, wit, wisdom and warmth, the Love U Podcast teaches you exactly how to get the relationship you deserve – without settling. Enjoy over 300 episodes with new ones each week!




Love U by dating coach Evan Marc Katz


The Pyramid of Love illustrates a six-step process I teach as your dating coach in Love U. Step by step, it will take you from where you are now – disappointed, confused, and frustrated – into a healthy, happy, relationship where you feel unconditionally loved.

The Pyramid – and by extension, Love U – takes you from the basics of building confidence and meeting men to learning the intimate strategies behind understanding, dating, and attracting high-quality guys so you can finally have the fun, committed relationship you so richly deserve.

After following and mastering my system, you’ll be the same person you are today with one important difference – you’ll have a bottomless well of knowledge and self-confidence you need to find your future husband.

The Pyramid of Love is based on these
six key pillars to help you find lasting love…

Love U by dating coach Evan Marc Katz


The Pyramid of Love illustrates a six-step process I teach as your dating coach in Love U. Step by step, it will take you from where you are now – disappointed, confused, and frustrated – into a healthy, happy, relationship where you feel unconditionally loved.

The Pyramid – and by extension, Love U – takes you from the basics of building confidence and meeting men to learning the intimate strategies behind understanding, dating, and attracting high-quality guys so you can finally have the fun, committed relationship you so richly deserve.

After following and mastering my system, you’ll be the same person you are today with one important difference – you’ll have a bottomless well of knowledge and self-confidence you need to find your future husband.

The Pyramid of Love is based on these
six key pillars to help you find lasting love…


older couple slicing their wedding cake


"Once I started taking Evan’s advice seriously, it took me six months to find the “one.” You can too!"

In 2014, I was 67 years old and planning to retire to a new community in the isolated region of the Adirondacks. Although I was used to living in small towns, I was always near bigger cities. My new home would have a population of 1,200 with the closest city of 19,000 an hour away. “Oh, no!” I thought. “I bet there’s probably one eligible man per ten square miles up there in the North Country!” Still, living in this town was a part of my commitment to be near my grandchildren and a part of their lives in my retirement. Could I fit a man into this life? Could I even find him?

I began dating online to find out. I was still working and living four hours away when I went onto my first dating website and posted my profile in the region I was moving to. Once a month I visited for several days and spent about six weeks that summer in my new digs. I had corresponded with a few men and saw them on visits north. Over the summer, I spent some extended time with one man and thought something might come of it. By fall, however, I realized this wasn’t going to work and broke it off with him. I didn’t do a very good job of it and found I wasn’t good at “breaking up!” “I wish I knew how to break up nicely," I pondered. So, I did what everyone does when they have a question — I googled it! Up popped Evan’s website and the rest is history.


older couple slicing their wedding cake


"Once I started taking Evan’s advice seriously, it took me six months to find the “one.” You can too!"

In 2014, I was 67 years old and planning to retire to a new community in the isolated region of the Adirondacks. Although I was used to living in small towns, I was always near bigger cities. My new home would have a population of 1,200 with the closest city of 19,000 an hour away. “Oh, no!” I thought. “I bet there’s probably one eligible man per ten square miles up there in the North Country!” Still, living in this town was a part of my commitment to be near my grandchildren and a part of their lives in my retirement. Could I fit a man into this life? Could I even find him?

I began dating online to find out. I was still working and living four hours away when I went onto my first dating website and posted my profile in the region I was moving to. Once a month I visited for several days and spent about six weeks that summer in my new digs. I had corresponded with a few men and saw them on visits north. Over the summer, I spent some extended time with one man and thought something might come of it. By fall, however, I realized this wasn’t going to work and broke it off with him. I didn’t do a very good job of it and found I wasn’t good at “breaking up!” “I wish I knew how to break up nicely," I pondered. So, I did what everyone does when they have a question — I googled it! Up popped Evan’s website and the rest is history.


Love U success story of a happy couple smiling at the camera


"Blake are now engaged! Thanks for all your help and support in finding myself, and because of that, him."

I signed up for Love U in a moment of sheer desperation — being tired of being single, being tired of knowing I was doing something wrong and no one to tell me what it is. You always did tell it like it is. I have to say thank you for believing in me, and giving me confidence I didn’t know I had. Thank you for seeing that there was something to be seen in me, that I didn’t even know existed.

How bad did the doormat thing get? So bad. I was living under his roof, and made every meal. Never repeated a menu item in the 6 weeks we lived together, which was after a year of being together. A year where he was still free to meet other women. 6 weeks of living together where sometimes he didn’t come home. “Gone to Vienna, be back later” And sometimes I could sleep in his bed and sometimes I couldn’t. That wasn’t even the end of it, but those were things I did and totally thought were ok at the time. That is lower than low.


newly-wed couple kissing under the shade of a tree


"I'm in an amazing marriage with a really wonderful man. Easily the best and most healthy relationship of my life. And I'm happy. Really happy."

I joined Love U for two reasons. One, I had ended up on Evan's email list and several of his emails literally seemed like they were talking directly to me. I always thought I was good at dating, because I could get dates. But if dating were baseball, I'm the girl that always got base hits and got tagged out before she got an actual run. The second reason I joined is because I've had huge success with fitness coaching, life coaching, why wouldn't I do relationship coaching? Bad relationship choices have cost me a lot more personally and sometimes financially than I'll ever spend on coaching

I didn't really even know what I didn't know when it came to dating. I knew that doing the same things I was doing would get me the same results, and I certainly wasn't happy with those. I wanted to know what I was doing that wasn't effective and what things I could change to be more successful. I didn't want just ANY relationship. I wanted a really good one.


Asian woman with her American boyfriend

Bonnie K.

"It's amazing to have a true partner in life. I feel like I hit the jackpot!"

I got engaged last week!

I gotta admit it's been a loooong road to this. Honestly, there were times where I really thought I may never find someone. Then felt stupid for thinking that and told myself my life is great in so many other ways. I hated it that quote that went something like - "you'll realize why all the others didn't work out when you meet the one." Well now I know, like REALLY know. My goodness, thank god you're in this business to help women find this person. Thank god you never give up.


groom kissing her bride on the forehead


"Right now, I’m on my honeymoon in the Maldives with the man of my dreams, thanks to your work."

Hi Evan. I am writing to give you yet another success story from your coaching. I started reading your blog back in 2010, and followed your advice religiously. It took a while (like 2 years!) but I finally started applying your advice to my dating life. I knew it was working when I was dating a guy who other women were chasing, yet he was pressing me for commitment. I didn't think he was the one so I cut bait, but it was so EMPOWERING to be the one who made that choice vs the other way around.


older woman embracing her fiancé


"This week, I got a proposal and a beautiful ring - we'll get married later next year."

“A few years ago, when I was first introduced to Evan, I was feeling increasingly frustrated with my dating life. After divorcing an emotionally unavailable man after 23 years of marriage I had two difficult, long term relationships with men who were not stepping up and I had gotten used to being treated badly.

I’d had some difficult family situations to deal with as a single mother of three twenty somethings and Evan provided me with my first ‘Aha’ moment which was when he told me ‘You’ve been a great mother to your children, and a good daughter to your elderly mother but who’s been there for you Christine?’ This actually made me cry – I had been the ‘go to’ person for my children and the men I was dating were narcissists who had me hooked but were not good men.


couple walking down the aisle as newly-weds


"I followed your advice to a T, started online dating diligently, and met my husband after only meeting 4 guys online."

I'm a happily married woman that found my husband applying all your advice and tips. Five years ago, I was so frustrated with love and dating, I started reading your blog in hopes of learning something about men. Boy, did I learn something! I went ahead and bought your book "Why He Disappeared" and read every single one of your emails. I also read your blog diligently looking for answers and insight.


a middle-aged couple getting married with their teen-aged daughter


"I started following your advice like adhering to a recipe for the perfect crème brûlée...And I'm happy to report that 6 months ago I married my best friend!"

After reading your blog, listening to your audios, reading your books & watching your videos, it finally dawned on me! I realized that in order to find the "right" person, I had to be the "right" person and what that meant was that I had to change all my long-held beliefs about what love was supposed to look & feel like. All the chemistry and common interests were getting me nowhere near my goal of finding "the one".

To my knowledge, I had roughly 1400 matches on eHarmony. Can you imagine? It felt like a part time job! Sometimes after repeated disappointments I would log on just to clear the inbox because I was just tired of the same results.



Hi, I’m Evan Marc Katz, dating coach for smart, strong, successful women and your personal trainer for love. Since 2003, I’ve spent every single day listening to women like you share your romantic struggles, fears, and frustrations with me, and offering dating advice for 4 hours per day.

That’s more than 10,000 hours of dating coaching that’s allowed me to develop a bottomless well of empathy and understanding for your plight. This experience has not only made me a better dating coach but a better (and happily married) man.

Most importantly, I get life-changing results for the women who turn to me. In 2015, I took everything I’ve learned, put it into a comprehensive course called Love U, and created a GPS for your love life that all but guarantees your success, even if you’ve spent your whole life struggling to meet Mr. Right.

As your dating coach in Love U, I will help you overcome your fear and disappointment, fix your broken man-picker, and finally get you the life you deeply desire.
